Monday, September 14, 2009

I've got a crush...

On my husband.
He's in Montreal right now for work/school, so I am stuck home alone carrying my phone around like it is glued to my hand waiting for him to call. I honestly feel like a middle school girl with a ginormous crush.
[Except that when I was actually in middle school I got crazy embarrassed when boys called me...especially if they left a message on the answering machine! I would seriously rush home from school to erase them and if I didn't get a message erased, sometimes I would pretend like I had no idea who the boy was or why he was calling. Yep, I got that crazy embarrassed!]

Anyways, since my cute husband isn't here to hang out with it, I am doing lots of random blog this picture from our trip to San Diego a few years ago. Fish tacos = yum!

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